I am a people person and love to make people happy. I also love to read and can knock out a novel in a day if I am not interrupted.
I love working at Burdoc because it is such a happy place. When you walk through the door you can feel the excitement and joy roll over you.

Under all the bright crazy hair wigs I wear, I have a shaved head!
I love working at Burdoc because you can be yourself with no judgment and everyone is blunt and to the point!

I have 3 beautiful daughters and 1 granddaughter, and I have traveled to 4 of the 7 continents.
I enjoy working at Burdoc where love and joy are shared in a variety of people and special bonds are made among the guests as well as the event staff. Its great to be a small part of these events that bring people together as they create powerful experiences and lifetime memories.

I am the mother of two beautiful girls who are my world!
I love working at Burdoc because of working for such amazing people!
I love meeting new people and being part of thier special day.

I am a married mother of 6. We almost have the Brady Bunch, boys girls and 2 girls, ages 16 to 25. I work a full-time job as an Operations Manager. I have been a surrogate mother of 2 girls ages 11 and 3.
I enjoy working at Burdoc Farms for several reasons, I like the people I work with and I enjoy helping make a couple’s day special!

I have been happily married for 13 years and became a first-time mother at the age of 37!
I love working at Burdoc because it is the 1st job, I have ever had that I feel acknowledged and I love being part of someone’s special day.
